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IP მისამართი

თქვენი IP მისამართი არის:

სულ ონლაინში: 1
სტუმარი: 1
მომხმარებელი: 0
მთავარი » 2008 » დეკემბერი » 31
Catch That Kid
ინფორმაცია ფილმზე
დასახელება: Catch That Kid
ჟანრი: სათავგადასავლო, საოჯახო
წელი: 2004
რეჟისორი: ბარტ ფრეინდლიხი
ენა: რუსული
სემ რობარდსი, ქორბინ ბლიუ, ჯენიფერ ბილზი, მაქს ტორიოტი, ქრისთენ სთიუარტი
მოკლე შინაარსი:
ისინი თავისი განხრის სპეციალისტები არიან: ალპენისტი, კომპიუტერული გენიოსი და გამომგონებელი. მათი გეგმა სრულყოფილია, მეთოდები კი გენიალური. მათი მისია: ყველაზე დიდი მსოფლიოს ბანკის გაძარცვაა, და ყველაფერი ეს ერთი მიზნისათვის - მთავარი გმირის ავადმყოფი მამის გადასარჩენად! გინდათ დააღწიოთ უსაფრთხოების ყველა სისტემას, გაიგოთ ბენკის საიდუმლო კოდები და მოატყუოთ დარაჯი ძაღლები? მაშინ შეუერთდით წარმტაც აკრძალულ მისიას!

ფორმატი: XviD
ხარისხი: DVD
ვიდეო: 900 kb/s, 624 x 336
აუდიო: MP3, 128 kb/s (2 ch)
ზომა: 700 MB

მარტო სახლში 4/Home Alone 4
ინფორმაცია ფილზე:
დასახელება: მარტო სახლში 4
ორიგინალური დასახელება: Home Alone 4
გამოშვების წელი: 2002
ჟანრი: Comedy | Family
რეჟისორი: Rod Daniel
როლებში: French Stewart, Erick Avari, Barbara Babcock, Jason Beghe, Clare Carey...
კევინ მაკკალისტერი ერთი ონავარი ბიჭია. ის ყველაზე უკეთესად თავს მაშინ გრძნობს, როდესაც სახლში მარტოა და ყველაფერი მის განკარგულებაშია. თუმცა სახლის გასაქურდად შემოსული ბანდიტები ნამდვილად ვერ იფიქრებდნენ იმას, რომ ერთი პატარა ბიჭი ასეთ წინააღმდეგობას გაუწევდა...
გამოშვებული: Usa
ხანგრძლივობა: 01:24:35
ენა: რუსული პროფესიონალური (მრავალხმიანი)
ფორმატი: Avi
ხარისხი: DVDRip
აუდიო: 48 kHz, AC3 Dolby Digital, 3/2 (L,C,R,l,r) + LFE ch, ~384.00 kbps
ვიდეო: 720x416 (1.73:1), 23.976 fps, XviD build 47 ~1941 kbps avg, 0.27 bit/pixel
ზომა: 700 Mb
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 21
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ

დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His character was replaced by Liam Kincaid. An alien hybrid taking on the persona of a former comrad of Boone's. ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 21
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ

დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His character was replaced by Liam Kincaid. An alien hybrid taking on the persona of a former comrad of Boone's. ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 20
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ

დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His character was repl ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 19
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ

დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His character was repl ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 18
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ

დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His characte ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 17
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ

დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His characte ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 16
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ

დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His characte ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 15
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ

დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His characte ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 14
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ

დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His characte ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 13
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ

დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His characte ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 12
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ

დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His characte ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 11
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ

დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His characte ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 10
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ
დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »

Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 9
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ
დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His character was replaced by Liam Kincaid. An alien hybrid taking on the persona of a former comrad of Boone's. We learn in Season 2 that the tae ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »

Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 8
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ
დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His character was replaced by Liam Kincaid. An alien hybrid taking on the persona of a former comrad of Boone's. We learn in Season 2 that the tae ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »

Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 7
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ
დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His character was replaced by Liam Kincaid. An alien hybrid taking on the persona of a former comrad of Boone's. We learn in Season 2 that the taelons are at war w ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »

Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 6
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ
დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »

Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 5
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ
დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)�
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »

Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 5
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ
დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)�
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying to learn the Taelons' true motives, which may not be as generous as they claim. At the end of the first season Boone was killed by the taelons. His character was replaced by Liam Kincaid. An alien hybrid taking on the persona of a former comrad of Boone's. We learn in Season 2 that the taelons are at war with another alien race, the Jaridians, and that earth has a key role in ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »

Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 4
       ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ
 დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)�
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 3
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ
 დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)�
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 2
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ
ინფორმაცია ფილმზე
დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)�
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »

Earth Final Conflict სეზონი 1;სერია 1
ამ სერიალს ვერც ერთ ქართულ ვარეზზე ვერ ნახავთ
ინფორმაცია ფილმზე
დასახელება: Earth Final Conflict season 1
ჟანრი: Action,Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Plot Outline: When an alien species comes to Earth bearing boons to Humanity, a few suspicious humans seek to learn and resist the newcomers' true designs.
User Rating: 5.7/10 (140 votes)�
Runtime: Canada:60 min (110 episodes) / UK:41 min / USA:60 min
Awards: Nominated for 2 Emmys. Another 3 wins & 13 nominations
In the early twenty-first century Earth is visited by an alien race, the Taelons. They claim they wish to share knowledge with the rest of humanity in the hopes of getting to know us better. William Boone is assigned protector of Da'an, the Taelon "companion" for North America. But Boone is really working for the human resistance who are trying t ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »

Crisis Core Final Fantasy 3
ინფორმაცია თამაშზე
დასახელება: Crisis Core Final Fantasy 3
ჟანრი: სათავგადასავლო, სროლები
წელი: 2008
შემქმნელი: Square Enix
ენა: ინგლისრი
გამომშვები: Square Enix

მოკლე შინაარსი:
Set seven years prior to the events of the first FINAL FANTASY VII, the Shinra Company is rapidly increasing its influence through its monopoly on mako energy and military might. With the burgeoning city of Midgar as its base and symbol of prosperity, Shinra is on the verge of establishing absolute dominance over the world.�
სისტემური მოთხოვნილებები:�
ოპერაციული სისტემა: Windows XP/vista
პროცესორი: P IV, 2.5 GHz
ოპერატიული მეხსიერება: 1 GB
ვიდეო კარტა: 256 MB
თავისუფალი ადგილი დისკზე: 3 GB.

The Messengers
ინფორმაცია ფილმზე
დასახელება : მოგზავნილები
ორიგინალური დასახელება : The Messengers
ჟანრი : საშინელება , უჟასი, დრამა
გამოშვების წელი : 2007
რეჟისორი : ოქსიდ პენ ჩუნ, დენი პენგ
როლებში :
კრისტენ სტუარ, დულან მაკდელმორტ, პენელოპა ენ მილერ, ჯონ კორბეტ, ივენ ტერნერ, თეოდორ ტერნერ, უილიამ ბ. დევის, ბრენტ ბრისკო, დაცტინ მილიგან, ჯოდელ ფარლანდ
ფილმის შესახებ
ოჯახი მიდის მიტოვებულ ფერმაში. ისინი დაიწყებენ ამ ფერმის აღდგენას, ა დროს კი ისინი რაღაც უცნაურობებს ამჩნევენ, რაღაც უჩვეულო მოვლენები ხება ფერმაში... ყველას სიცოცხლე ოჯახის უფროსების ხელშია...

IMDB 5.2/10 (4,170 votes)

გამოშვებულია : აშშ
ხანგრძლივობა : 1:26:44
თარგმანი : დუბლირებული
ფორმატი: XviD
ხარისხი: DVD
ვიდეო: 900 kb/s, 624 x 336
აუდიო: MP3, 128 kb/s (2 ch)
ზომა: 1.37 GB
                            &n ... კითხვის გაგრძელება »
კვირა, 2025-02-02, 6:11 AM
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